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Máy đo phổ Alpha Beta phông thấp UMF-2000

Low background alpha/beta radiometer with silicon detector. The radiometer is widely used for low level activity measurements by alpha and beta counting. It is recommended for measurement of gross alpha and beta activity in natural and drinking waters.

• measurement of gross activity of alpha-emitting radionuclides in thick and thin samples;
• measurement of activity of beta-emitting radionuclides in samples of foodstuffs, soil, water, as well as of filters and samples prepared by the selective radiochemical extraction;
• measurement of activity of alpha-emitting radionuclides in samples prepared by the selective radiochemical extraction (relative procedures are necessary).
• simultaneous measurement of alpha/beta activities in the sample;
• available options for surface area of the installed detector: 450, 600 or 1000 mm2;
• active anti-coincidence background substraction using gas discharge detectors (GM tubes);
• passive lead shielding from background gamma radiation;
• protection from power line disturbances;
• timer and two channels (alpha, beta) for separate counting of pulses from the detector;
• spectrometric output (after preamplifier);
• connection to computer via RS-232 interface;
• basic software for UMF-2000;
• measurement of Po-210 and Pb-210 in soil and water samples;

• SpectraDec software expands the UMF-2000 functionality with alpha-spectrometric measurements of U, Th, Po, Pu, Am isotopes (after preparation of samples using radiochemical techniques).

Basic complete set:
• radiometer “UMF-2000”;
•software “UMF-2000” (for Windows XP) offers a convenient way to work with UMF-2000 using personal computer. Newer versions of the software are available on
• null-modem cable;
• planchet – 10 items;
• check source;
• passport and operation manual;
• primary calibration certificate.

Optional equipment and service:
• reference sources;
• additional planchets;
• computer and printer;
• SpectraDec software for alpha-spectrometric measurements of U, Th, Po, Pu, Am isotopes in samples prepared by radiochemical techniques;
• spectrometric ADC card;
• procedures for sample preparation.

Procedures for sample preparation:
• Recommendation “Gross activity of alpha and beta emitting radionuclides in natural (fresh and mineral) waters. Sample preparation and performing measurement”
• Measurement procedures for determination of specific activity of Ро-210, Pb-210, Pu-239, Pu-242, Pu-236, Pu-238, Am-241, Am-243, U-238, U-234, U-235, Th-232, Th-230, Th-228 in different media (detailed information see in “Measurement procedures” section).


Technical Specifications:

Detector type

semiconductor silicon detector

Detector surface area

450, 600, 1000 mm2

Range of measured activity:


  • alpha emitting radionuclides

0,01 – 1000 Bq

  • beta emitting radionuclides

0,1 – 3000 Bq

Energy range:


  • alpha particles

3500 – 8000 keV

  • beta particles

50 – 3500 keV

Relative measurement error


Background count rate (detector surface area 450 mm2):


  • in alpha channel

no more than 0,001 s-1

  • in beta channel

no more than 0,03 s-1

Count intervals:


  • UMF-2000 stand alone

1 – 9999 s

  • Using UMF-2000 software

up to 64535 s

Error of count intervals

no more than 0,0001 s

Thickness of lead shielding

30 mm

Power supply

220 (+10/-15%) V/50±1 Hz


337×286×190 mm


22 kg

Norms, certificates, patents, licences


UMF-2000 software (english version)
UMF-2000 software (ver. 1.04) for Win 98/NT/2000/XP 
Relate Product
Máy đo phổ Alpha Beta phông thấp UMF-2000
Máy đo phổ Alpha Beta phông thấp UMF-2000
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Số lượt truy cập : 838206
Số người trực tuyến : 2