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MSLog - Log Acquisition Software

The MGX II Logger acquisition system is based on a modem electronic design in which software control techniques have been used to the best advantage.  The hardware incorporates the latest electronic components with embedded systems controlled via the specially developed MSLog Windows interface program.  This software uses the Windows family of operating systems.  These multi-tasking platforms can accommodate all tasks necessary for maximum data security and ease of operation.  The system design philosophy is unique in two respects.  First, it has been built to handle several generations of single-conductor Mount Sopris tools, secondly, it is totally software controlled.

The MGX II Logger acquisition system is based on a modem electronic design in which software control techniques have been used to the best advantage.  The hardware incorporates the latest electronic components with embedded systems controlled via the specially developed MSLog Windows interface program.  This software uses the Windows family of operating systems.  These multi-tasking platforms can accommodate all tasks necessary for maximum data security and ease of operation.  The system design philosophy is unique in two respects.  First, it has been built to handle several generations of single-conductor Mount Sopris tools, secondly, it is totally software controlled.

  • Basic System Features:

  • Windows  95, 98, NT, 2000, XP operating systems.

  • Rugged, fault-tolerant electronics.

  • East-to-use, on-screen graphical user interface.  Users with minimal technology     knowledge can operate system.

  • Wireline and winch flexibility - runs on most coax, single, & multi-conductor wirelines with compatible probes.

  • Shaft-encoder flexibility - compatible with most 12V or 5V AB quadrature and pulse shaft encoders & configurable for any combination of wheel/shaft pulses per revolution.

Download the latest version of MSLog  Important note: If your current logger is running Logshell you cannot use MSLog with it. Only an MGX II can be updated to use MSLog. Contact Mount Sopris Instruments for further information. 


Click here to download Logshell


Click  here to download the latest MSLog Manual (currently Version 7) in .PDF format.   The file is 50+ pages (780 KB) and takes about 4 minutes to download with a 56K modem and Acrobat Reader Version 4.0.  Disregard the page numbers in the table of contents.  Just scroll down through the document to section/chapter of interest.



LogCruncher is a user friendly program allowing users to easily perform advanced processing of geophysical well logs.  Processing includes standard borehole corrections, advanced sonic log analysis (velocity correlation algorithms, mechanical properties, etc.), nuclear data processing (density, spectral gamma, etc.), volumetric fractions of rocks, and coal quality. To see more visit MercuryGeophysics.com


For the latest FREE upgrade of WellCAD ( V 2.5 Build 2628) click here.  We recommend that WellCAD users running earlier builds upgrade for better interface with MSLog. The latest version of Wellcad is 3.1.

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